RJ Home Inspection Blog

There Is No Pass Or Fail With Home Inspections!

There Is No Pass Or Fail With Home Inspections! A home inspection is an important part of the buying process. A home inspection is an important part in the home buying process, however a common misconception is that it is a pass or fail type of inspection. Home inspectors do not pass or fail a […]
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Termites 101: What every homebuyer should know this spring

Termites 101: What every homebuyer should know this spring It’s a cruel coincidence that the spring’s real-estate buying season corresponds with another far less pleasant one – termite swarming season. When eager homebuyers emerge from winter hibernation to look for their dream homes, winged termites emerge, too, and swarms of them go in search of […]
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Snow and ice may hinder winter home inspections

Snow and ice may hinder winter home inspections Whatever the season, it’s still important for home sellers/buyers to gather as much information as possible Snow and ice may cover the roof, the driveway and sidewalks, but that’s no excuse to skip one of the homebuyer’s most accurate tools for gauging the condition of a house […]
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5 Disasters to Catch with a Home Inspection

5 Disasters to Catch with a Home Inspection That enormous McMansion or cute little Cape house that you have your eye on might look great on the surface, but a good paint job or a new custom kitchen could be hiding major problems. “You always want to look for material defects in what home inspectors […]
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Do You Need A Home Inspection?

Do You Need A Home Inspection?  Before you buy a home, one of the things you should do is to have the home checked out by a professional home inspector. Buying a home is expensive enough as it is – why would you choose to fork over another $400 if you’re not required to? In […]
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Top 10 Reasons to get a Home Inspection

Happy Holidays from all of the folks here at RJ Home Inspections! If you are thinking of buying or selling a home in the New Year start it off right by making sure it is inspected by a certified and trained professional. Here are the top 10 reasons to get a home inspection before you […]
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