Clean Water Ensures a Healthy Lifestyle
According to EPA, you should test your water at least once a year to check if it has bacteria viruses, nitrates, high pH levels, or total dissolved solids. You should especially do this if the well is new or if you recently have repaired or replaced pipes, pumps, or any other component of the well. If you are expecting a baby, you should know that nitrates can be dangerous for the baby. You should test the water both in early pregnancy and the first six months after the baby is born. In such matters, laziness can lead to lifelong regrets.
Can Radon Gas also Contaminate Water?
Yes! Contrary to what you may think, radon gas produced by decaying uranium in the soil can also enter the water. You should frequently get the water tested to check the levels of radon in it. People who drink water contaminated with radon for a long time can develop stomach cancer. So many people are unaware of this fact and think that radon is found only in the air. However, that is certainly not true. If you need someone for testing radon levels in your household well water, RJ inspection can do the job for you,